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  • Writer's pictureKashifa Ansari

This One is For You, Mama

One of the reasons I chose optometry, among many, is something my mom told me when I was in elementary school. She said to me, “I want you to grow up and become an independent woman who can stand on her own two feet. I want you to get an education.” At the time, I did not get the importance of what she was saying. However, as I grew up and learned about the realities of life, I realized how she wanted to live her dream through me. My mom was married at a young age, after she completed her bachelor’s degree. She wanted to further her education and become a doctor, but her responsibilities as a wife (and later a mom) took over.

Although she would never want to switch places with anyone in the world, I realized how much it would mean to her to see her only daughter reach a place she had envisioned for herself. I am lucky to have had both parents always support me in whatever path I decided to take in life. After going through many different phases, from wanting to be a makeup artist to choosing a healthcare profession, I have always had my family’s support. I am extremely grateful.

Seeing the happiness on my mom’s face after being accepted into ICO is something I will never forget. I am so happy to have made her proud, and to have taken my first steps to fulfilling her dream by becoming a strong and independent optometrist. Thank you, Mama, for raising me to be the person I am today.


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