Mayadah Yahya, '22
I was born and raised in Sana’a, Yemen, an ancient and beautiful city that I call my home. When I was seven years old, my family moved to Portland, Oregon. I now consider Portland to be my home, as well. Time has taught me that home is not one place, because as an immigrant, I had no choice but to learn to create homes. I look forward to moving to Chicago and creating the memories that will make it my new home.
I went to school at Lewis and Clark College, a small liberal arts school set on 137 wooded acres. The campus was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. I remember leaving exam rooms and taking long walks through the gardens; having nature right outside the door gave me a lot of peace. I’m excited to be moving to Chicago and attending a school in the heart of one of the biggest cities in the country. It will be a huge change from what I’m used to.
Growing up, I always knew that I wanted a career that would involve vision. When I was living in Yemen, I scratched my eye with a dirty fingernail. Worse than the excruciating pain was the possibility that we might not find a doctor to take care of me, but we did. For that, I’m forever grateful. I grew up with an acute appreciation for human vision, and I’m looking forward to starting school at ICO and learning to become the best doctor I can be.
P.S. I don’t like ketchup. I’m so happy that the people of Chicago don’t accept it on their hotdogs!