One of ICOs most loved annual events has come and gone for the year. Boo Bash 2018 was an absolute success! It was at Fremont in River North and we had the whole top floor to ourselves complete with music, dancing, and letting loose in some crazy costumes. I saw what seemed like everything— from famous rappers to the sun and moon to Mario Kart players. We have some creative minds at ICO who were able to come up with some clever costumes! Be sure to check out our hashtag on Instagram #ICOBooBash to see some others!
As one of the third year class reps, we are in charge of putting together Boo Bash. Luckily, my partner as class rep, Greg Pappas, was able to make this incredible location happen.
Since finals are during Halloween, we had no problem celebrating just a tad bit early. It was fun to be able to see everyone put off studying for a night and relax, especially before finals begin!
Once again, go check out some of the other creative costumes that made an appearance this year on Instagram. Hope everyone has a fantastic Halloween and good luck to our students as they take on finals!