Though I have lived in Chicago for over 14 years, the first sight of snow each year always puts a smile on my face. From the prevalence of cute and cozy cold-weather wear to the yummy seasonal drinks at Starbucks to ice skating in Millennium Park, the change of weather brings a simple promise of novelty. And the cold weather usually keeps me indoors longer, which is perfect for studying.
This week marked the end of fall break and the start of winter quarter at ICO. With classes starting anew, I have a fresh focus on classwork and a renewed mission to stay on track and study (and play!) hard. I was also on the quarter system during undergrad, and I liked how swiftly each quarter passed and how quickly everything restarted. Like last quarter, I’m expecting exams every other day and assessments along the way, but I’m eager for the changes that come with winter quarter.
Monday morning, my fellow first years and I attended the orientation for the Patient Advocate Program, which begins this week. Along with the new commitment that PAP brings, this quarter boasts two long recesses for Thanksgiving and winter break. After this first week in school, I’ll be heading back home after my first PAP session on Saturday. And while the course load promises to be difficult this quarter, I await the days when we can escape for some skating at Millennium Park’s McCormick Tribune Ice Rink, which opens Friday.

This quarter, our schedule includes six courses and some corresponding labs: Optometry 1.2 with lab, Vision Science I with lab, Applied Ocular Anatomy with lab, Biochemistry II, Optics II and Physiology & Pathology II. What I like about this mix of classes is how focused they are on vision and the eye.