First up was going out for sushi. Now I’ve eaten sushi before and enjoy it as much as the average person would, but by no means would I consider myself a connoisseur. Along with around 10 friends, I headed to a joint in Lincoln Park called Sushi Para II where I was about to be shocked and amazed. The food was incredible! It was all-you-can-eat, where you ordered whichever rolls or sushi your party desired and they brought them out in fantastic arrays and designs. The only thing you have to be careful about is over-ordering, because if your eyes are larger than your stomach they charge you for the leftovers. It was hands-down the best sushi I’ve ever had. Now I can’t say I eat sushi often, so there may not be much to compare it to, but hey, I’d definitely go back. It also didn’t hurt that the place was BYOB with no corking fee!

And what would all these nice dinners be without a show? The RC had another one of its planned events, this time to the comedy theater Second City. The show we saw was called “Who Do We Think We Are?” and turned out to be a riot. It’s a relatively small venue, which means every seat is a good seat. Pack in about 40-50 people from ICO and what a great night! It contained more sketches than improv, but regardless it was all funny with a cameo of President Obama himself… or just a very well done imitation. It was a great way to cap off the Friday of an incredibly long week. Now it’s just the waiting game for finals, though the wait isn’t very long! And for those of you interested to hear the results the Amazing Race, I’m proud to say that I was a first place finisher with my teammate Brad! A surprising total of five teams finished on the first possible day and tied for race winners. I guess this school is just filled with incredibly motivated and athletic people!