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Preparing for NBEO Part 2


Fourth year at ICO has been a whirlwind so far! It feels like it has been progressing slowly, but going quickly at the same time, if that makes sense. I was able to spend my first quarter back home in Ohio for my VA rotation. It was very nice to hang out with family and friends again after being away from them during school. It was also nice to comprehend what seeing patients on a regular basis while trying to balance life is like.

I am now in Denver with a slightly different perspective. Here, instead of always being around family, I am by myself. I am still seeing patients on a regular basis, but I spend my downtime a little bit differently. I have been exploring my surrounding areas. Being from Ohio and not coming out West much, this is a whole new world to me; the mountains have been fun to get to know. However, there is only so much exploring I can do on my own comfortably. So, I have taken that "wanting to explore" mentality and applied it to my studies.

I have been trying to study for part 2 of NBEO while still discovering different places. The only thing that's super tough about this is WiFi. I do most of my studying on my iPad with KMK, which requires WiFi. I can use my phone, but my data plan can only take so much KMK. So, I have learned to visit different coffee shops and cafes that offer WiFi. This feeds my need to explore and makes me feel accomplished while still studying for part 2.

By the way, part 2 is patient assessment and management. Fourth-year optometry students take it 1 of 2 days offered in December. What's nice is, I think I studied very productively for part 1 (applied basic science). Thanks to this, it has been easier for me to study for part 2; I have noticed that I comprehend things more readily. This is quite a fantastic feeling, knowing that graduation will soon approach and I will be a doctor in a few months! It’s crazy to think of how close we are to graduation, but it is nice to look back and realize how far we have come.

For part 2, I have mostly been studying KMK material that I have purchased. It gives examples of what part 2 will be like and gets you thinking in that manner. From there, I plan on going through the Willis Eye Manual and quizzing myself. I have been doing that in my downtime at this rotation and when I’m bored at home.

I’ve noticed an improvement in my knowledge base. Granted, I still need to get better at thinking on my toes and coming up with the answer more quickly, but baby steps, right?

Finally, good luck to those taking part 3. Part 3 is the skills section you have to travel to Charlotte, NC for. You can take that anytime during your fourth year. I will be taking mine in December!

Thanks for reading. Study hard. Have fun. Go explore something new. :)


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